C++ Programs Examples With Output Ppt

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A simple C program (without a class) includes comments, headers, namespace, main and input/output statements. Comments are a vital element of a program that is used to increase the readability of a program and to describe its functioning. Output: 32 2) User-defined functions. We have already seen user-defined functions, the example we have given at the beginning of this tutorial is an example of user-defined function. The functions that we declare and write in our programs are user-defined functions. Lets see another example of user-defined functions. User-defined functions. Unlike arrays we do not need to print a string, character by character. The C language does not provide an inbuilt data type for strings but it has an access specifier “%s” which can be used to directly print and read strings. Below is a sample program to read a string from user.

CBSE (Central Board of secondary Education ) want a project in all the major subjects like C++, Python, Informatics Practices, Physics, Chemistry, Accountancy, Business studies, Economics etc. The whole purpose behind these projects are to – whether the student is able to apply the whole knowledge acquired during these years.

The purpose of these 100 C++ projects for students is to provide students a whole new dimension, how much they can do with their limited knowledge and how much useful application programs they can develop.

This list of Class 12th CBSE C++ projects source code, is not complete – there is always some space for improvements and we would be very glad to know your ideas.

C++ Programs Examples With Output Ppt

C++ projects for class 12 using data file handling ( Binary Files )

  1. Library-management-system-project using C++
  2. Super-market-billing System – Download Source Code
  3. Hotel-management system – Download Source Code
  4. Hospital-management System – Download C++ Source Code
  5. Transport Management System
  6. Airways Reservation System
  7. Railway-Reservation-System
  8. banking-system-project
  9. book-shop-management
  10. kbc
  11. Traveling-agency Management System using Turbo C++
  12. Student report Card Generator
  13. Telephone-billing System using Turbo C++
  14. Employee Payrol management System using Turbo C++
  15. CD Renting Cyber-cafe
  16. Mobile-billing-system
  17. C++ Project on School_project
  19. LIC-Database-Management
  20. Dictionary

C++ projects for class 12 with graphics – Games and Utility Software

  1. NotePad_Using Turbo C++
  2. C++ Projecct to Create Ms- PAINT using C++
  3. Snake and ladder Games
  4. Ludo Game
  5. Chess
  6. Hangman ( Not Eligible for class 12 computer project )

using my Fierce PC you can have how much a gaming PC can do for you.

Relational Database Management (Mysql ) with C++

These software can not be developed using turbo C++, All these C++ projects were developed using code-blocks, So you are requested to download and install code-blocks and mysql on your system.

  1. Basic Operation on a Database Table using C++
  2. Address book using mysql and C++
  3. Telephone Directory using mysql and C++
  4. Student report Card Using mysql and C++

CGI Programming using C++

CGI ( Common Gateway Interface ) programming using C++ needs a web-server that is able to handle CGI programming using C++, otherwise these projects will not be able to handle your request at all.

  1. Web Page Generator using C++
  2. Processing HTML form using C++

Socket Programming using C++

This project was developed on a linux based system using gcc compiler. We have not tested this socket project on any windows based system.

  1. Sending and receiving data using C++ programs over a network

General Data Structure through C++

C++ Input And Output

  1. Data Structure demonstration using C++
  2. File Handling demo using C++

This is only few ideas that you can do using your current C++ knowledge, that you have acquired in Class 12th. Hope this list and project will help you a lot to develop a better computer science project.

20+ IP Projects for class 12 students of Informatics Practices.

Suggested Books for C/C++ Projects with source code

C Programs Examples With Output Ppt Input

  1. C Projects by Yashwant Kanetkar : This book has some of the best C projects, I have ever seen. The language of this book is simple but require your previous knowledge of C language. If you are new then C++ pointers and C++ utilities are must for you.
  2. C++ Projects by Reeta Sahoo

The first two parts of these C++ projects can be used by class 12th students but rest of them need little bit more dedication to this subject.

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C++ Programs Examples With Output Ppt Presentations

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